Our world

Arla and the UN Global Compact

Arla and the UN Global Compact

In 2008, Arla joined the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative to promote ethical business practices.

Our Code of Conduct harmonises well with the ten basic principles of the UN Global Compact. As participants in the UN Global Compact, we are committed to incorporating the initiative and its principles into our strategy and corporate culture – and communicating them to our employees, owners, suppliers, partners, customers and the rest of our community.



The Annual Arla CSR report

Our commitment to the UN Global Compact also involves an obligation to prepare an open and honest annual report on how we have succeeded in complying with our Code of Conduct. In the report, Our Responsibility - CSR Report (in English), we describe our progress during the year and also where we see opportunities to make improvements. As part of these efforts to allow a positive attitude to sustainability to permeate all activities within Arla, we have chosen to involve a large number of colleagues in the preparation of this report. 

We support the UN's sustainable development goals

In September 2015, the UN adopted 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDGs take a broad perspective and are relevant for all countries, rich as well as poor. For these goals to become reality, all countries, businesses and organisations should embrace whatever change is necessary.

For Arla, the journey has already begun. While we support all SDGs, we focus our efforts on the goals, where Arla can have the biggest positive impact. These are goals 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, and 17.


Arla is a "Caring for Climate" signatory

In May 2009, we signed the UN Global Compact Caring for Climate initiative, which is a voluntary activity for companies who wish to make an active contribution to improving the climate. Through Caring for Climate we demonstrate our commitment to improving the environment by practical means and our interest in spreading awareness of climate-related issues in the community.

Learn more about Arla's climate ambitions

Our responsibility

We want to grow and we care about how we do it. We want to be a responsible company with a responsible mindset and relations.

Our responsibility